Gestión Informática, SRL.
Gestión Informática has been operating since 1998 at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Today the success of a company depends on the ability with which it can develop to conduct business. At Gestión Informática, SRL., We are here to ensure that your services are positioned competitively in the broad field of business.
Our mission is to offer the national and international market, information technology solutions with a high level, quality and even more, full support and involvement in the final goal of each implementation, which consists of the success of the same and the use Reliable and agile of each solution.
We have a staff of multidisciplinary professionals and through good practices in project management will support the implementation of technologies and services for the efficiency and effectiveness of processes.
Offer the national and international market, information technology solutions with a high level, quality and even more, full support and involvement in the final objective of each implementation, which consists of the success of the same and the reliable and agile use of each solution.
Make each of our services more inspiring and a more efficient and intelligent world.
- Think Big and act with Audacity.
- Focus on Customers and the Market.
- Provide Vision and Direction.
- Drive Action and Execution.
- Passion for the Service
- Build Organizational Capacity
- Molding Integrity, Values and Social Responsibility.